Verse and Dimensions Wikia
Verse and Dimensions Wikia

A Megaverse is a collection of multiple different Multiverses, either a finite or infinite amount of them, usually each having different properties and interuniversal laws, such as different cosmic events being possible, such as Big Booms, etc.

A megaverse can be contained by a Gigaverse or a Teraverse, or other -verses in the metric hierarchy, but this eventually leads back up to the Archverse chain.

To inhabitants of a multiverse, other multiverses in the same megaverse can be referred to parallel multiverses, alternate multiverses, or simply other multiverses, depending on the degree of similarity between multiverses in the megaverse. The former two are multiversal analogues of altverses. Some civilisations call the Megaverse an Omniverse, since they haven't discovered the Gigaverse yet.

The most common form of Megaverses( wich are 5-dimensional) are stacked on top of each other in a 6-Dimensional space, with multiple being stacked on top of each other in one Gigaverse.

See Also[]

Nested Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th ... ωth (ω+1)st (ω+2)nd (ω+3)rd (ω+4)th ... (ω·2)nd ... th
Archverse Universe Multiverse Megaverse Gigaverse Teraverse Petaverse Exaverse Zettaverse Yottaverse Ronnaverse Quettaverse Vendekaverse ... Omniverse Monocosm Beyond Transcendentem Transcendentem Continuum ... Secode ... Ordverse