Verse and Dimensions Wikia
Verse and Dimensions Wikia

A demipenteract is a semi-regular polyteron with half the number of vertices as the penteract. It is the 5 dimensional demihypercube.[1] It is related to the family of Gosset polytopes.

Its Bowers acronym is hin.[2]

Structure and Sections[]

Being a demihypercube, it can be constructed from a penteract by removing its alternating vertices.



See Also[]

Primary polytera
Regular polytera: hix · pent · tac

Pentacross facetings: hehad · phap · nophap

Demipenteract regiment: hin · dah · han · radah · rinah · hit

Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth
1k2 102 112 122 132 142
2k1 201 211 221 231 241
k21 -121 021 121 221 321 421